Welcome to my Bumblebee Blog!

Welcome to my blog. This is a record of my Bumblebee sightings in the UK, I hope you enjoy the images. If you have sightings and images of any scarcer species that you would like to share, please let me know.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Common Eastern Bumblebee

Saw lots of these on a recent trip to Nova Scotia - stunning little things. It is a Common Eastern Bumblebee or Bombus impatiens to give it is proper name:

Friday 9 August 2013

Cuckoo bees dominate...

On a recent visit to Lambert's Castle near Axminster, Andy Grinter and myself found a large number of cuckoo bumblebee species nectaring on bramble flowers. Six species of bumblebee were present but numbers were dominated by:

Bombus campestris: R. Harris
Bombus campestris: R. Harris
Bombus vestalis: R. Harris
Bombus terrestris (not a cuckoo species): R. Harris
 Bombus hypnorum was also noted in small numbers.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Bombus in the garden...

Well, my father's actually. He has an incredible border of geraniums, which are covered in bumblebees - 5 species present last night when I went to visit, including Bombus hypnorum:

Bombus pratorum: R. Harris
Bombus hypnorum: R. Harris
B. hypnorum: R. Harris
B. lapidarius: R. Harris
B. pascuorum: R. Harris
B. Terrestris: R. Harris
B. Terrestris: R. Harris

Saturday 22 June 2013

Bombus hypnorum...

Bombus hypnorum still turning up everywhere at the moment. Couple of great photos taken by Dave Helliar in his back garden in Chard, Somerset:

Bombus hypnorum: Dave Hellair